
IR Best Practices and Advisory

Elevate your IR program and improve company valuation by leveraging Rivel’s library of investment community research and varsity-level team of advisors.


Connect with peers and other industry professionals through our vendor-free conferences, Rapid Action surveys and Virtual Exchange meetings.


Get access to our research library, jam-packed full of investment community insights (both buy-side and sell-side), as well as benchmarking study results from corporate executives around the world.


Save valuable time and resources! Our dedicated concierge team is focused on getting you the answers you need from our extensive research library and international member community.


Take advantage of our award winning in-house team of IROs to help you work on key issues and maximize IR program effectiveness.

Guiding Investor Relations Excellence Since 1991

Founded by an industry visionary with a passion for empowering companies to thrive in the ever-evolving IR landscape, Rivel has been at the forefront of investor relations innovation for over three decades.

Our methodology isn't just data-driven—it's a catalyst for transformation. Access our robust library of investment community research to gain exclusive insights into what other IR departments are doing, bridge the gap between true investor needs and perceived ones, and receive actionable feedback to make more confident, strategic decisions. Join GuideLign today to arm yourself with the data needed to elevate your role and drive company success!

"Having an IR community I can go to any time I have a question is very valuable. It’s like having another colleague who understands my job and can provide immediate answers to any questions I have. GuideLign’s weekly reports are packed with relevant insights—an invaluable resource for any IR professional seeking continuous feedback and answers to pressing questions. The support, insights and resources make it an indispensable asset, well worth the investment."

The GuideLign Advantage: Two Pillars of IR Success

GuideLign Advisory Council (GAC)

Your success is our priority. GAC ensures your company receives tailored advisory to address your specific challenges and goals. Our seasoned investor relations executives bring decades of collective experience to the table, offering bespoke solutions that drive valuation and maximize IR program effectiveness. From strategic guidance to proactive support, we're here to help you achieve IR excellence.

Examples of our advisory solutions include:

  • IR Strategy and Program Assessment
  • IR Planning and KPIs
  • Benchmarking (Peer and Industry)
  • Shareholder Targeting Support
  • Sell-Side Targeting
  • Earnings Review and Best Practices
  • Executive Onboarding/Coaching
  • New to IR Coaching
  • IR Website Assessment
  • Investment Thesis
  • And more!
Photo of corporate research report

GuideLign Intelligence Council (GIC)

Redefine your investor relations strategy with an annual GIC membership. You’ll get:

  • Comprehensive Insights: Access over 2,000 data resources including ongoing best practice reports, benchmarking studies, timely updates on key investment trends and in-depth corporate research.
  • Rapid Action Feedback: Get answers to your questions through quick online surveys conducted amongst IR executives. Your question can be posed anonymously to the entire membership via a vendor-free survey.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry peers through our events and virtual exchange meetings, fostering collaboration and idea-sharing.
  • Concierge Service: Dedicated consultants are on hand to assist with data and insights, saving you valuable time.
Photo of GuideLign advisory council networking event

Case Studies

IR Benchmarking

Helping a new management team set expectations for investor access, one GuideLign member provided the new CEO and CFO with benchmark data regarding how often they should be going out to visit with the investment community. He turned to various reports in the GuideLign research library to highlight not only what other companies their size were doing, but what the investment community expected. He used this information to craft their management access strategy for the year.

Guidance Practices

As a result of one member's interest in understanding how companies were planning to change their guidance, Rivel conducted a Rapid Action survey among more than 300 IROs over a three-day period. The results helped members compare their future guidance practices to other companies, ultimately offering some peace of mind.

Non-Deal Roadshows

A GuideLign member reached out to Rivel via our client gateway and asked how often IROs are setting up their own NDRs. We were able to provide some data that the member found helpful and also put out a Rapid Action question on their behalf. Within 48 hours, we received 63 responses to their question and were able to provide valuable insight to the IRO.

Earnings Call

One GuideLign member was interested in revamping their earnings calls. They felt like their current format had become stale and could use a facelift. Their first step was to identify what characterizes a best-in-class earnings call. GuideLign was one source they turned to for an in-depth and objective understanding of what the buy-side values most during a call. Our data allowed the IRO to draft a set of recommendations for management that was based on fact, not just a hunch. As a result, they reduced the total number of speakers presenting during the call, thereby reducing the overall time allocated to presentations. This allowed more time for Q&A, which aligns closely to what the buy-side prefers.

Investor Day

Based on information that one member gleaned from the GuideLign report on investor day best practices and the ensuing discussion at our December conference, she was able to put together a program that she feels will resonate with her audience. How does she use GuideLign beyond that? She says it's a great tool for when she gets pushback from her CEO and CFO. She cited a recent instance from our sell-side report on how the buy-side uses the sell-side: "Because there is both qualitative and quantitative data, and it's not just 'my opinion,' it carries a lot of weight." 

Board Communications

On a check-in call with a GuideLign member, they mentioned that our most recent investor day report from the investment community armed her with answers to questions she faced from her board specifically about the topic. "I use your research in a few different ways, but one example in particular is that I read your investor day report prior to my board meeting. Without notice, the board asked several questions about investor days, and because of the report I was able to answer all their questions." Going forward she is going to "arm" herself with our data by reading through larger reports that GuideLign publishes before board meetings.


As passive investors become more prevalent, we have received various questions regarding how IR departments would be affected by their growing presence. As a GuideLign member considered a possible replacement for a recent departure, they asked whether or not the existence of passive investors in their company's stock would affect the IR department’s staffing. Their initial assumption was that they could afford to cut back on their staff size because they wouldn’t have to speak to as many active investors. We proceeded to pose their question anonymously to GuideLign members to see their thoughts. As we reviewed the results of the survey, no one believed passive investing would have an effect on their staffing, but rather believed that MiFID II’s effect on the sell-side could present a need for extra personnel to compensate for the lack of research and access to their active investors.

IPOs / Spin-offs

A GuideLign member was recruited to head up a new IR department for an upcoming IPO. The member reached out to the GuideLign team and inquired whether we could ask the membership some questions and make any connections to people who have gone through an IPO or spin-off. We posed a few Rapid Action questions and were able to connect this member with those respondents who have had experience taking a company through a similar transaction.

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