Rivel Code of Conduct

Since our earliest days, Rivel has been known for ethical behavior and integrity. This strong history and reputation have earned us one of the greatest honors a business can aspire to achieve: the trust of clients, investors, colleagues, and the communities in which we work and live.

We have furthered this commitment by adopting a Code of Conduct issued by an internationally recognized entity, the Responsible Business Alliance, both within Rivel as well as for our supply chain network. Rivel's trusted suppliers play a vital role in ensuring that our business is always conducted with integrity and the highest level of ethics. We expect our suppliers to ensure that their behavior and values align with our company's values and also comply with this Code, which can be found at https://www.responsiblebusiness.org/code-of-conduct/.

All Rivel suppliers must conduct a thorough review of this Code of Conduct and contact Rivel's Legal Department (legal@rivel.com) with any questions or concerns.

This Code of Conduct was last updated as of May 29, 2024.